Conventional strategies often fall short of catalysing true breakthroughs.That’s why discerning leaders turn to the unconventional, seeking out the strategies that truly propel success to new heights.So as part of my ongoing commitment to surround myself and my clients with world-class thinking, I reached out to some of the world’s top thought leaders and asked

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Subscribe to The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast Watch onYouTube Listen onApple Podcasts Listen onSpotify Listen onOther Apps Do you know the secret to making breakthrough progress? All around us, we see people making incremental gains, but is there something specific we need to be focusing on if we want 10X results? Well, yes. There are three

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“I can see the benefits, but don’t really have time for coaching right now,” said Diana, a CEO I’ve known for some time. “But it’s crazy-busy this month… let’s come back to it in a quarter.”  You can probably guess how the story ended… or, rather, didn’t end. We checked back in a quarter later. Unsurprisingly, it was

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If your team isn’t fully engaged and fully owning the projects and areas of responsibility they’ve been assigned, then you’re leaving a lot of value on the table. Progress will be slow. Results will be mediocre. You’ll be repeatedly sucked back into low-level issues to compensate. The good news is that as a leader you can shape a better

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In the previous article in this brief series on ownership, I explained that as leaders we have the responsibility to create an ownership environment for others and that everybody has a responsibility to generate an ownership stance for themselves. Today we’re going to look at what taking an ownership stance really means. The way I see it, an ownership

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In the previous article in this mini series on creating an ownership culture comment we first explored the leadership choice that is available in any situation:We can either take the path of victimhood entitlement and avoidance orWe can take the path of leadership, ownership and actionWhat this means for us as leaders is that we can’t blame

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“The problem I have is that my team isn’t taking enough ownership.” It’s a comment I hear a lot from senior leaders. My response is, “well, how are you taking ownership for that situation?” That generally leads us into a discussion of the leadership choice and an exploration of what levers are available to a leader who wants to draw

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In today’s article I want to offer you a simple model to better understand how the choices you are making are impacting your impact as a leader. In any situation or challenge that we face we have two paths available to us. The first option is to look at what we did not have, that stopped us achieving

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These are turbulent and uncertain times. I want to share the story of a client who entered a new role, got knocked sideways almost immediately, and who learned some important lessons that I hope will be helpful to you. Business turbulence stressing you out? This story might help When Stella finally came back on the radar, she

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If you’ve followed my writing for a while, you’ll be aware of how the leadership culture that we create is defined by the levels of support and challenge that we bring to those around us. Support involves a sense of personal care; challenge involves stretching people out of their comfort zone. We can map out these two dimensions as follows:

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One of the participants in this year’s Impact Accelerator programme just had a life-changing insight… before the first session even started! They’d watched an introductory video and they were completing a brief worksheet in preparation for our first session. The worksheet made them think in some different ways about what it will take to be exponentially more successful in

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Learn surprising executive effectiveness tips from David Allen, Nir Eyal, Marshall Goldsmith, Dan Miller, Peter Diamandis, Nicholas Thompson, Todd Herman and many more.You might know the adage that “you’re the average of the people you spend the most time with”. It’s true: community shapes us and we absorb the conversations and ideas that are circulating

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I spend so much time “in my head” – conceptualising, analysing, strategising and intellectualising. Perhaps you can relate. After all, many leaders have relied upon their intellect – their schooling, decision-making and problem-solving skills – to rise to the senior level where they now find themselves. For me, my mind has definitely been a strength and

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How can you lead effectively and with poise, when there’s disruption and uncertainty all around? The last few years have been a bruising experience for many business leaders. The COVID pandemic; lockdown; remote work; hybrid work; war; the Great Resignation; supply chain disruption; cyber attacks; market turbulence; environmental concerns; inflation; a tight talent market. And all

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“I don’t know if I’ll be able to pay my mortgage”“Business is down and I’m not sure I’ll be able to pay my mortgage,“ said Jasmine.She’s a very senior leader in a business that’s had a difficult year, and her bonus this year is likely to take a big hit. This bonus represents most of

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How can you become more impactful – and create better results – without exhausting yourself with the sheer willpower and effort? How can you become the leader you know you can be, when your existing habits and approaches are so engrained?

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How can I get my organisation bought in to my new strategic plan? I was recently coaching Craig, a leader who’d just taken on a new C-Suite leadership role and needed to put in place a strategy and plan. He’d worked late nights and weekends on this, and was really pleased with the result. He’d presented

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“I’m a do-er and a fixer; I love talking about my work but I hate self-promotion. So how I do I talk about myself to my new organisation?” Two extremely competent and successful clients, both with new and more visible executive roles, asked me pretty much the same question this week. So here are three principles to help

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When you’re leading through a crisis, there are a series of shockwaves that are going to hit you, your team and your business. If you know what they are, and you have a model to think through their implications, then you can anticipate what’s going to be happening and be ahead of the curve. There are three

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How to avoid the common traps that limit C-suite leaders’ future successYou’re a high achieving founder/executive with an impressive track record. You’re a quick-thinking strategic problem solver. You love the challenge of fast-moving, complex situations. You’re always among the first to catch a vision. But despite that, you don’t feel that special inside because of the deep sense that

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