How can you reinvent a successful business and add $500M turnover in 4 years? That’s what Richard Medcalf explores with Michael Riedl, the CEO of Team Internet. The business was founded in 1996 as a web services company distributing domain names, until Michael led a strategic charge to double-down on new solutions including online marketing. In

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Do you really need to be a good follower to be a good leader? This is one of the questions Richard explores with Logan Naidu, the Founder and CEO of Kernel Global and founder of Dartmouth Partners, named by FT as one of Europe’s 1000 fastest growing companies. In this conversation, you’ll learn:How Logan (and Richard)

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How can you successfully launch a business and attack a market that’s dominated by an all-powerful incumbent? In this episode,- Richard Medcalf speaks with Björn Thorngren, the CEO and co-founder of MEDS, a leading online pharmacy in Sweden. MEDS has been the fastest-growing Swedish company (2018-2021) according to the Financial Times, having grown in 6 years

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How can you land your mission, and your message, with real logical and emotional impact? That’s the question Richard explores today with Jack Murray, entrepreneur and the CEO of MediaHQ, a leading Irish SaaS company that has revolutionised the PR and communications industry with its comprehensive media contacts database and press release distribution tools. Jack is

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Subscribe to The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast Watch onYouTube Listen onApple Podcasts Listen onSpotify Listen onOther Apps As a CEO or senior leader, are your people truly following you, or are they merely doing what you tell them? Do they go the extra mile, or are they just doing their job? In my experience coaching

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Subscribe to The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast Watch onYouTube Listen onApple Podcasts Listen onSpotify Listen onOther Apps As successful CEOs and entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves wondering how we can become more impactful leaders. We’ve achieved significant success, but we know there’s more potential to unlock. Today I’m going to explore two key approaches that

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Subscribe to The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast Watch onYouTube Listen onApple Podcasts Listen onSpotify Listen onOther Apps Do you know the secret to making breakthrough progress? All around us, we see people making incremental gains, but is there something specific we need to be focusing on if we want 10X results? Well, yes. There are three

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Subscribe to The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast Watch onYouTube Listen onApple Podcasts Listen onSpotify Listen onOther Apps Do you want to create a legacy that’s 10 or 100 times greater than your current accomplishments, but something’s holding you back? Today, I’m going to talk about how you can take the first step towards committing to a

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Subscribe to The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast Watch onYouTube Listen onApple Podcasts Listen onSpotify Listen onOther Apps Have you ever felt like your best days are behind you? Or wondered what’s next in your career? Perhaps you feel stuck or as if your trajectory has plateaued.  If any of this sounds familiar, then this article’s for

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