Take your executive team from good to great

Achieve a breakthrough in your leadership team's collective impact, despite your packed schedule.

You know your team could achieve so much more

You're a forward-thinking CEO with ambition that outstrips the norm.

Your leadership team is solid, but you know that good isn't good enough.

There's a gap between your team's potential and their current performance. You feel the weight of this, and you know the cost of not being at your collective best:

  • Lost revenue opportunities
  • Wasted time and resources
  • Missed innovation and growth
  • Slow progress on strategic goals

What would become possible if your entire team was aligned, cohesive, and operating at peak effectiveness?

You’ve tried the typical approaches

  • One-size-fits-all processes that leave the team disengaged because they don't focus on what actually matters to them
  • Isolated team events that temporarily inspire but ultimately get forgotten
  • Adding a bunch of extra meetings to your crammed schedule
  • Another personality assessment that promises to ‘solve it all’

Introducing The Fellowship:
A 6-month programme for ambitious executive teams

Take your leadership team from 'good' to ‘exceptional’

  • Align around a clear vision of what ‘extraordinary’ looks like for your team
  • Commit to strategic projects that leave a lasting legacy.
  • Establish high-performance habits that drive organisational success
  • Transform your identity and behaviours as a team and individually.

Why it works

  • Instead of treating surface issues, we address the root causes and dynamics that are limiting your collective performance.
  • Because most team programmes fail from poor engagement, we build the entire agenda around what truly matters to your team, and we take care not to overload your team with extra meetings.
  • We work at three essential levels: individual transformation, team transformation and concrete team results. This isn’t about feel-good exercises, but about achieving tangible outcomes and permanent shifts in your team that elevate your organisation's success.
  • We balance emotional alignment (understanding team dynamics, fostering commitment, creating excitement) with logical alignment (clear roadmaps, KPI tracking, actionable steps).

Want more details about The Fellowship? Download the programme prospectus...

A six-month team programme with 4 phases

1. Discovery

No assumptions, just data-driven insights. Get a clear view of the current situation and build a roadmap for the team’s development. A fast but comprehensive assessment via online surveys and 1:1 interviews.

2. Design

Take a huge step forward in a short space of time. Engage with the top insights from the discovery phase, then define your next-level vision, projects, behaviours and mindset during a two-day team intensive.

3. Development

Embed new behaviours at the individual AND team level until they become second nature. We track your progress, measure your results and keep you on track towards your target outcome. Instead of adding to your team schedule, we coach you in real time during your existing team calls as you work on real business issues.

4. Debrief

Drive towards a clear finish line. You defined your 6-month vision for the team, so we’ll close the loop at the end of the programme, measure your achievement, maximise your learning and prepare for what comes next.

The programme is led by Richard Medcalf

Richard Medcalf

Richard Medcalf describes himself as "what you get if you were to put a McKinsey consultant, a slightly unorthodox pastor and an entrepreneur into a blender".

Richard is the founder of Xquadrant and a trusted advisor to exceptional CEOs and entrepreneurs, and their leadership teams.

Richard has advised business owners and C-level execs for over 25 years. After a Masters Degree at Oxford University, where he came top in his year, Richard joined a premier strategy consultancy where he rose to become the youngest-ever Partner. He then spent 11 years at tech giant Cisco, firstly elevating Cisco’s relevance in the C-suite of its Fortune 100 customers before being selected for an elite team set up by Cisco’s CEO to catalyse strategic partnerships & new business models.

Richard founded Xquadrant in 2017, with the mission of helping elite leaders reinvent their 'success formula' and multiply their impact on their purpose, their people and their profit.

His personal 1:1 clients include CEOs of billion dollar companies, a Chairman nominated by EY as Entrepreneur of the Year, an Olympic medallist, and the founders of tech 'unicorns'. Richard also runs the high-end CEO community, Rivendell. His book, Making Time For Strategy, was published in February 2023.

Richard is bi-national English/French, lives near Paris, and is happily married and the proud father of two. He's also a licensed lay minister in the Anglican Church, and has an insatiable love for spicy food and the electric guitar.

Client Appreciation

Higher sense of purpose

A structured and refreshing way of helping teams to improve, without feeling like we are repeating the same text-book exercises. I always leave Richard's workshops and meetings with a higher sense of purpose, more motivation to do things differently. It's a great learning experience.

Richard Bourne

Team problem solving

Richard adds direct value to me, as executive Chairman, and to my team by quickly understanding the business context and the key issues. He addresses problem solving by supplying appropriate frameworks and tools to the team and guiding the team to come up with its own solutions. He works with great enthusiasm and engagement to bring even large groups together focused on solving intra-team issues, that can be tricky. He strikes the right balance between empathy and challenge to me and the team. Richard has a deep understanding of business in general and technology business in particular and his work always has a clear business focus.

Mikael Sandberg

Honest discussion

Our #1 strategic goal is now shared by everybody. We’ve clarified how we want to operate in the executive team in the future and agree what is expected from everybody. There was real honest discussion between the parties -it’s so helpful to do this kind of work together.

Veronique Coulmann

We aligned around values and priorities

We wanted to think about our purpose as a company, beyond purely financial metrics. Initially, I wasn't sure whether the team would find this kind of process worthwhile since the subject is inherently somewhat amorphous. However, the reality was that through a number of team workshops run by Xquadrant we did align on important values and priorities, and had insights that we weren't expecting.

As a result, we have a better sense of what matters to different team members, what intrinsically drives them, and we have more clarity on what we want to achieve as a business. It's always important to 'start with why' and this process helped us do that.

Mohsin Majid

High impact for the team

The impact of the programme was very high for me and the team. I liked how you picked up on the REAL issues we had to solve, and that you gave us space to find our thoughts whilst steering us to suggest themes. Can’t really fault anything!

Trevor L

Our ExCo is in a much better place

The sessions were really challenging and certainly took me out of my comfort zone! Before the programme we lacked clarity in key areas, and as an ExCo we are now in a much better place to execute our vision and plan.

Ivan S

Actionable & practical

Our leadership team was not working efficiently together.  We asked Xquadrant to help us work better as a team so that we could focus on our business priorities. They helped us agree on better ways of working understanding the personal tendencies of each of the team and build a team charter to capture the new behaviours we have committed to.

The team is responding to its commitments and our interactions are much more productive: we are all now working on the overall business and not the silos. Personally I was disengaged but now I feel motivated and excited about the team’s potential.

I thought this was another "tick the box" training exercise but I have been pleasantly surprised as it's been actionable and practical. I'd recommend Richard and his team to any leadership team that wants to raise the standard of their collaboration.

Martin Dempsey

Want more details about The Fellowship? Download the programme prospectus...

Getting started

Xquadrant only works with a limited number of ambitious teams. You need to be genuinely committed to creating a true leap in performance and impact. If you are interested in exploring whether this programme is a good fit for you, please book an initial conversation to discuss.
