What's so important that you have to 100X it?

CEOs, entrepreneurs: multiply your impact with 1:1 support from our founder, Richard Medcalf

Who helps you get to the next level?

You’re in the biggest role of your career. As founder or CEO, you’re juggling operational demands and strategic opportunities, whilst navigating a complex, fast moving market.

  • The surface challenges are managing people, managing time, managing conflict and managing priorities..
  • And the deeper challenges include the high stakes, pressure, isolation, uncertainty, complexity and absence of structure.

Despite your impressive CV you know you’re playing too small a game. Everyone around you is in awe of your accomplishments - but you want to go further.  Inside, you long for even more impact, but there’s a fear that if you reach for it you might actually come up short for the first time in your life or the cost might be too great.

You know what got you here won’t get you there. Your past success can actually get in the way of your future success. And your strengths as a high-performer become a liability as a leader.

People respect you enormously, but you know you need to lead at a whole new level and 'scale yourself' to scale your business and create your legacy.

I get it. Me too.

When you’re at the top of your organisation, there are very few people around you who are willing to tell you what you really need to hear, without bias and agenda. So, who sees what you can’t see, dares to tell you the unvarnished truth, challenges your thinking and supports you at a deep level?

--Richard Medcalf, Founder

Introducing Impact Multiplier Coaching

There are 1000s of consultants and coaches out there. But almost no-one is thinking exponentially. And almost no-one masters the intersections of strategy, leadership, purpose and spirit - and how they work in our complex and hyper-connected tech-driven environment.

That’s where you’ll find the breakthroughs. And that’s my gift.

I’ve worked at the highest levels of the business world on strategy and business transformation. I’ve been involved in leadership and personal transformation for over 25 years, and I’ve had the courage to put millions of dollars of personal income on the line in order to deliver on my purpose.

I’ve lived and breathed the tech sector for two decades, and have an insider's understanding how how technology is changing the way we build businesses and the way we lead people.

More importantly, I'm on a 25-year mission to help the most impressive leaders on the planet create and seize breakthrough opportunities that transform their organisations and, ultimately, change the world for good.

Whilst every engagement is different, we'll typically work across four major areas.

Purpose: Discover your North Star and your rocket fuel

You'll connect to a bigger and more inspiring vision for your life, business, leadership and legacy than you've dared to imagine.

Strategy: Focus on the most impactful levers available

You'll see what you've not been seeing. You'll have your thinking stretched and challenged like never before. And you'll focus on the levers that truly matter.

Leadership: Spearhead a wave of transformation

You'll lead transformational change at a new scale, winning hearts and minds, and building leaders instead of followers.

Spirit: Lead with confidence, serenity and integrity

You'll operate from a place of confidence, courage, peace, serenity and integrity. Instead of fear, anxiety, frustration or other negative emotions, you'll enjoy the ride!

Our Trusted Advisor 1:1 programmes


Powerful 1:1 support to create your ultimate legacy (without the grind).

Working 1:1 with Richard, you'll achieve more than you can even imagine. You’ll gain clarity and confidence on your moonshot goal, you’ll win over hearts and minds like never before, and you’ll learn to enjoy the ride again!

  • Up to two deep dive 1:1 coaching calls each month. Session by session, you’ll get real strategic challenge, deep support, and fresh perspective.
  • Voice and text messaging support between sessions. You’ll get the right input at the right time, with me as your personal advisor/sounding board on important topics as they arise.
  • Coaching portal for session notes and progress tracking. You'll have access to our full set of assessments and leadership tools, and comprehensive log of your entire journey.
  • Half-day intensive twice per year (in Paris, London or online). This will give us space to step back, work at a deeper level and think bigger than ever before about your leadership vision.


Transformational 1:1 input for you and your team/board.

Your team/board is a huge multiplier on your impact, and you (as leader) set the ceiling for its performance. So when you work on your own leadership, and your entire team rethinks how it leads the wider business, magic happens.

  • Up to two deep dive 1:1 coaching calls each month. Session by session, you’ll get real strategic challenge, deep support, and fresh perspective.
  • Monthly coaching sessions with your team or board. We’ll raise the quality of discussions and help them become the team who can deliver the breakthrough results you crave.
  • Voice and text messaging support between sessions. You’ll get the right input at the right time, with me as your personal advisor/sounding board on important topics as they arise.
  • Coaching portal for session notes and progress tracking. You'll have access to our full set of assessments and leadership tools, and comprehensive log of your entire journey.
  • A full-day experience twice per year. This can be a personal 1:1 retreat, team day or strategy workshop (see below for more options) in a mutually agreed location. It will be a pivotal, transformational moment in your journey.


A bespoke programme of in-person experiences for accelerated transformation.

Imagine taking a whole day each month to address your biggest opportunities and challenges – for you, your team or your business. Imagine the power of live experiences to shift your thinking, identity and actions. And imagine access to world-class support whenever you need it!

  • Up to one full-day transformational experience each month for you, your team/board or your business. Choose from our list of options (see below), or ask for something custom. 
  • 'Virtually unlimited’ coaching/advisory calls – when you want input, we make the time

Explore our full-day transformational experiences (click to open)

The What-Next

Let go of the past and overcome the barriers keeping you playing small. Dream bigger than ever, create a huge and inspiring vision of your future, and strategise to build a roadmap that will start to take you there.

The Great Escape

Finally get out of low-level tasks and operational fire-fighting. Bring your calendar and task list and roll up your sleeves as we implement the exact action plan you need to focus your attention more strategically.

The Hot Seat

One day of hot seat coaching. Have a top-of-mind topic? Great. Not sure what you want to work on? Even better. You'll see the world – and yourself – very differently, and new possibilities will open up.

The Rain Maker

Take massive action on your most important goal and take a shortcut to the results you want. Be challenged to move out of your comfort zone as you make your most audacious asks and boldest moves yet.

The Magnetiser

Release your inner Freddie Mercury and learn to communicate with more passion, conviction and impact, so that you land your message and win hearts and minds faster than ever before.

The Dream Team

Collectively create a vision for how your team would operate if it was truly the 'dream team' – and then actually implement that over the next six months.

The Mission Control

Define the strategic principles and agree the priority projects that will truly move the needle on your most important objectives.

The Interlock

Reset the expectations on your team, up-level your own leadership approach, and implement the processes to keep ownership, responsibility and accountability where it belongs.

The 2-degree shift

Shift the culture of your company by a small but significant amount. We’ll inspire them, push their thinking, and create a common language to embed the new ideas into the culture.

The Custom Job

Don’t see what you need here? We’ll build the perfect agenda based on your unique circumstances and goals.

About Richard

Richard Medcalf

Richard Medcalf describes himself as "what you get if you were to put a McKinsey consultant, a slightly unorthodox pastor and Freddie Mercury into a blender!"

Richard is the founder of Xquadrant and a trusted advisor to some of the most successful CEOs and entrepreneurs on the planet.

Richard has advised the C-Suite for 25 years. After a Masters Degree at Oxford University, where he came top in his year, he became the youngest-ever Partner at a top strategy consultancy. He spent 11 years at tech giant Cisco in an elite team to pioneer strategic projects directly for the CEO.

Richard founded Xquadrant to help the world’s top CEOs and entrepreneurs become world-changing forces for good, creating a legacy of exponential impact.

His 1:1 clients include CEOs of billion dollar companies, an Entrepreneur of the Year, an Olympic medallist, and founders of tech 'unicorns'. Richard also runs the CEO programme Rivendell and is the author of Making Time For Strategy.

Richard is bi-national English/French, lives near Paris, and is happily married and the proud father of two. He's a licensed lay minister in the Anglican Church, and has an insatiable love for spicy food and the electric guitar.

Current and former clients include

  • The CEO of a $3 billion worldwide technology distributor.
  • The founder and chairman of a global fibre-optic telecoms scale-up, nominated Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & Young for "growth & profitability that most can only dream of."
  • The CEO of a $2.5 billion global IT services firm, with operations in 20 countries.
  • The CEO of a high-profile European artificial intelligence start-up, which was subsequently acquired by a prestigious US consumer electronics brand.
  • The UK chief executive and chairman of a global pharmaceuticals giant.
  • The CEO of a scale-up tech 'unicorn' with over 700 employees, who recently raised $200M of financing for their innovative B2B platform.
  • The founder & CEO of a international mobility services firm, who started from zero and built a $100M business that is the top player in its field, globally.

Client appreciation

Navigating high growth

I would recommend Richard's coaching to anyone in a position of management and/or leadership, especially in high growth, when orchestrating and nurturing the efforts of a team is crucial to its success and sets the foundation of a long-lasting culture.

Michael Fester


Create lasting change

As a co-Founder and CEO, I've experienced many shifts since my executive team and I started working with Richard. For example, I've become better at coaching my team and we've become better at avoiding procrastination when it comes to complex and ambiguous initiatives.

I see three distinctive benefits of working with Richard. Firstly, his strong business acumen means that we very quickly zoom in on the key issues. Secondly, the Xquadrant toolbox is very practical and simple and helps accelerate decisions or make management decisions. And thirdly, there's a real focus to move beyond 'an interesting or inspiring conversation' and create real, lasting change.

Pierre-François Thaler


Strategic challenge

Through Richard's support I've become more confident and more assured in the delivery of key strategies. The support is highly customised and I wouldn't get the same level of challenge if I were to have those conversations internally. I'd definitely recommend Xquadrant to anyone who wants to focus on bigger, more strategic issues and have a bigger impact in their role.

Robert Bailkoski

Group CEO

Confident & focused

My work with Richard and Xquadrant has allowed me to get things from the idea stage over the completion line. I've become more conscious of what's holding me back and have become better at prioritising action. I'm less distracted and less stressed. Above all, I think it's my extra confidence that's felt by my team. We now speak the same language: we have the same priorities, the same focus on where we're heading, and how we get there.

Richard Bourne


An impactful way of influencing senior stakeholders

I started working with Xquadrant to develop my ability to manage pressured situations and hold the room in a more effective way. I was wondering if I'd be subjected to hours of PowerPoint, but the sessions were very interactive and specific to my working environment, so it was very easy to relate to. We would review what had happened in recent weeks and how I could make a bigger impact in the next material event.

As a result, I've developed a more impactful way of influencing senior stakeholders and engaging in debate on key issues. I would recommend Xquadrant for management professionals who lead a group of senior people or who are executive leaders.

Mark Grant


I'm thinking bigger & bolder

The biggest benefit of the coaching programme is that the sessions have helped me think bigger and bolder in how I approach my role and interact with others. There have been many more tactical learnings, which I can use day to day, in terms of being a more effective leader, but this would be the biggest overall benefit.

Justin Kearney


I'm now focusing much more on strategic subjects

With Richard's help I'm now focusing much more on strategic subjects. I'm much better at saying 'no', having reduced my people-pleasing tendencies, and I'm crystal clear on how I can contribute at the highest possible level.

Birgitta van Santen


Effective CEO and board relationships

When I approached Xquadrant I had just hired a CEO and was looking to make sure that his relationships with the board and with me were as productive as possible. Richard introduced me to ideas and frameworks that were very helpful and enabled me to grow and improve as a business owner and leader. I would definitely recommend Xquadrant to leaders who want to improve their effectiveness and obtain honest feedback.


Owner, Industrial Group

Helped me make the most of the first critical months

I worked with Richard over the first 5 months in my Chief Commercial Officer Role in a Fintech scale-up. The time together really helped me to maximise my impact and make the most of those first critical months. 

Together, we worked through the different challenges of exec-level onboarding and I came away each time with specific actions and practical approaches to tackle them. We also worked on the deeper issues - for example, learning not to be 'afraid to ask' - and I now have a new perspective on myself and others. There's no doubt in my mind that I have already achieved significantly more through my engagement with Richard and certainly I'd recommend him to others looking to take the next step in accelerating their career.

Craig Butterworth

Chief Commercial Officer, Fintech Scale-up

See through the noise & distortion

Richard has the great ability to see through the noise and distortion around a problem and pick out the signal that's hiding underneath. He zeros in very quickly on the heart of an issue and points out what levers can be moved to change things.

James Atack


Helpful & insightful

My time with Richard for the Leadership Intensive was immensely helpful and insightful. I learned about my tendencies in high stress situations, how to be more liberating in my leadership and how to observe patterns of my behaviour that need work. I’m confident that you will find it equally insightful as well!

Curt Hopkins


Quickly adds value

My work with Xquadrant has helped me quickly grasp the essence of the situation — Richard quickly adds value on different business situations, at a personal or a team level. I also have a better understanding of people and how to get the most out of my team.

Mikael Sandberg

Founder & Chairman

Personal & business breakthroughs

I was looking for a coach who could provide strategic guidance to help me take the business to the next level as well as a coach who could help me grow as a leader and person. It was clear Richard could do both excellently. Given Richard's background the progress we've made on the business does not surprise me. What I didn't expect, and am very happy about, are the personal breakthroughs I've made. I'd recommend Richard to a CEO/entrepreneur who is willing to go deep, not afraid of change, and likes to be challenged in their thinking.

Steve Rowbotham


Greater visibility and impact across the organisation

When I started working with Richard I was 12 months into a new role, and yet still having to deliver on many aspects of my old role, which was extremely stressful. It was hugely important at the start to clarify with Richard what was at stake and agree clear objectives about improvements. Leadership can be a very lonely place. Having someone with experience and the ability to advise and support me as I've changed my approach has been really, really positive for me.

Since my work with Xquadrant, there's now a better engagement both at senior peer level and within my team. This is leading to greater visibility and impact across the organisation. Moreover I've removed a lot of the stress factors that were affecting me at the start. I'd recommend Xquadrant to any leader who's reached a senior level and thinks that they're not being as effective as perhaps they could be. 

Stuart Radcliffe


Application process

Impact Multiplier CEO Coaching is my personal inner circle of top CEO/Founder/President clients.  We both need to be a 'hell yes' to begin this journey together. You need to be genuinely committed to creating a true leap in your impact across and beyond your business.

Impact Multiplier Coaching may be for you if...

  • You’re a CEO or other entrepreneurial leader with an impressive track record.
  • You refuse to be bound by linear thinking. You believe your future can be 100X bigger than your past.
  • You thrive on challenges and you're hungry to multiply your impact and your legacy.
  • You're on a huge mission - or you're ready for one.
  • Despite all that, you don’t take yourself too seriously!

Impact Multiplier Coaching is NOT for you if...

  • You’re only interested in financial rewards. We'll work on that, but so much more.
  • You feel you have all the answers. And you're not ready to take any risks.
  • You're looking to achieve incremental progress or to maintain the status quo.
  • You’re not committed to investing in your professional & personal development.
  • You’re not committed to creating at least a 10X return on your investment of time, money and attention.

In a nutshell, Impact Multipler Coaching is for leaders who don't NEED coaching, but they do WANT an accelerator and a partner in their journey of exponential impact.

If you are interested in exploring whether this programme is a good fit for you, please book an initial conversation to discuss.
