There's still another level of impact waiting for you

An exclusive programme for visionary CEOs of $20M-200M+ businesses determined to 10X their financial success and 10X their positive impact on the world.

Being a mission-driven impactful CEO is one thing.
Being surrounded by them is another.


Elevate Your Leadership

You’re already highly successful. Rivendell gives you the keys to your next level of success as CEO:

  • 10X Strategic Focus: Leave the overwhelm of the day-to-day and operate more strategically than ever. Gain unparalleled clarity and accountability on your unique ‘10X moves’ each quarter.
  • 10X Team: Transform a ‘good’ team into your greatest asset. Elevate the commitment, cohesion, and effectiveness of your leaders and your board.
  • 10X Yourself: Cultivate your vision, resilience and magnetism to thrive under pressure and uncertainty, becoming a world-changing leader creating impact at unprecedented scale.

How it works

  • Personalised ‘10X Vision’ Onboarding: Begin with our CEO Radar assessment, followed by a one-on-one session to crystallise your vision and optimise your Rivendell journey.
  • Quarterly Strategic Accelerators: Refocus your strategy and greatest leverage areas for the next quarter, and reinvigorate your leadership to deliver on that.
  • Private Coaching with Richard Medcalf: Dive into your unique challenges and opportunities with personalised coaching sessions, ensuring you tackle your most pressing leadership issues.
  • Power Sessions: Between accelerators, join our monthly calls to learn and implement a new ‘power tool’ and get support from Richard and the community. Topics are chosen based on your input, so they’re relevant and impactful.
  • Monthly 10X Scorecards: Optimise your progress on your 10X goals with structured check-ins.
  • Exclusive Retreats: Two transformative two-day experiences each year in stunning locations (our last one was in Reykjavik!) They're regularly described as life-changing, pivotal moments. Missed a retreat? Access the session recordings so you don’t miss out.
  • Ongoing Community Support: Benefit from ongoing interaction with Richard and peer leaders via messaging, so you can get ideas, support and challenge when you need it.

Pressed for time? Of course – you’re a CEO!

Rivendell is the most strategic, highest-leverage time investment you can make.

It’s the 1% of time that creates the breakthroughs in your personal and business trajectory. After all, all the ingredients are there: deep coaching, professional facilitation, eclectic thought partners and a safe environment to explore.

Become 10X more strategic and 10X more magnetic

In Rivendell, you’re not just joining a programme; it’s:

  • An incubator for exponential strategic thinking and innovative ideas that will catapult your business results.
  • Intimate support from a small, inspiring group of extremely high calibre peers who share the same pressures. Plus, just one of these relationships could open up huge opportunities.
  • Deep personal transformation as leader. You'll not just address the intellectual challenges of leadership, but will actually become the person capable of 10X-100X greater impact in the world.

This is where overwhelmed CEOs become visionary leaders, where isolated decision-makers find a supportive community, and where successful executives rediscover the joy and passion in their leadership journey.

Your Opportunity Awaits: Rivendell is more than a programme; it's a strategic incubator, deep coaching programme and transformational experience reserved for those who dare to redefine success and leadership. Are you ready to join this elite circle?

Interested in finding out more?

Download the 2024 Rivendell prospectus to get all details, and we’ll add you to the waiting list so you’ll be notified when applications open.

Rivendell is a transformative experience

Everyone in the group is extremely successful and at the top of their game. I could write a whole essay about my learning from those few hours that we had last week!


A real depth

I have found the Rivendell experience to be incredibly valuable to help me reflect on who I am as a leader and how I can improve the use of my skills and capabilities, and it's given me the opportunity to interface with other CEOs. We've had a fabulous time sharing experiences with each other, and I'm learning a tremendous amount, not only from Richard but also through the individuals in the Rivendell program. There’s a level of depth that frankly I haven't gotten in any other program that I've been involved in. 

Scott Puopolo

Another league

The recent Rivendell retreat has been the most exciting two days of my life: I've gained so much self insight, as well as insight from others who've gone through similar things to me. Thanks to the coaching from Richard, it has been a tremendously, tremendously positive and exciting experience. What I've experienced [in Rivendell] is another league compared with programmes I've experienced before.

Mikael Sandberg

An unbelievable gathering

An unbelievable gathering of peers (founders and CEOs). Thanks to the guidance, the methodology and Richard's creativity, we went deep and addressed our common challenges. I strongly recommend Rivendell to any CEO who wants to become a better leader for their team and their family.

Armand A.

Safe environment for "eureka" moments

If you've got a spark of curiosity, and you want to learn, and you're open minded enough to put yourself in an environment where you're exposed to those new opportunities, then Rivendell is ideal for you. It's a very safe environment to experience those "eureka" moments. I've enjoyed engaging with other business leaders, learning from them and helping them develop... and being coached by Richard throughout. And I've found some significant business development opportunities in speaking with other members!

Bob B.

We’re executing a bigger vision

Rivendell has really opened my eyes to what is truly possible for the business, and now my team and I are in execution mode delivering on that.

Rivendell member

A life-changing opportunity

Initially I wondered how I could contribute to such an advanced group. However, it's been a transformative experience that far exceeded my expectations... an extraordinary opportunity to engage with CEOs at the pinnacle of their respective fields and committed to making a positive global impact. The beautiful retreat location was the perfect backdrop for reflection and breakthrough thinking. Rivendell has been pivotal in reshaping my leadership and has profoundly influenced my thoughts on amplifying my impact. I'd recommend it to any CEO who is eager to explore new ways of leading. It’s a life-changing opportunity to connect, grow, and reset the bar.

Abe Klassen

Incredible calibre of people

Rivendell is a really fulfilling experience. I've done quite a few different professional development events, but the thing that really stood out to me here is the intermingling of personal and professional development. I have a notebook full of new ideas! The calibre of the other participants has been humbling and it feels like a privilege to really be among such an esteemed group of people and peers.

Kelly Manthey

Produces exponential impact

Rivendell has helped me in two big ways. I’m able to get qualified input from experienced people on my toughest business challenges. And it's has pushed me to get a much clearer picture on my strategy and my goals. I've had so many practical insights about my business, to solve specific problems that I can't discuss with with many people. And I've got a much clearer picture on my strategy and my goals. I would recommend Rivendell to senior leaders who want to make 10X impact instead of incremental impact.

David Engel

A fantastic opportunity

It was fantastic to get the input of other highly experienced leaders, and I learned a lot about myself through the process. Rivendell is a safe space where you can be honest and open about the issues you're facing. It gave me the opportunity to question my values and motivations, and learn how to approach situations in a more strategic, powerful way.

Danny Keating

7 figures of value

Last week at the retreat with Rivendell I got really a clear path to massively impact the work that we've been doing. We've been implementing changes even this week and can already see seven digits worth of value being added to the business from some decisions that came out of that time away.

Toby Alcock

Sharpened my thinking

Rivendell has really helped me sharpen what I think is our distinctive value proposition. It's energised me to think about the coming months as we're looking at our growth plans. It's rare to get to speak in an in a way that's off the record, professional, but also very collaborative with executives who've led a variety of businesses, and to be able to work through challenges that are not easy to voice in other contexts.

Talal D.

Clarified my mission

I recommend Rivendell for leaders who are conscious, thoughtful and want to do something big and important in this world. It gave me the breathing room I needed to contemplate the future, clarify my mission, and get clear on my purpose. With Richard's guidance and the group support I’ve created new strategies for achieving my objectives.

Chintan Panchal

Space to think and to grow

Rivendell is an environment where everyone is ready to go deep from the outset. It’s inspiring to spend time with ambitious peers who want to get better and learn as much as they can about themselves and others. Rivendell has given me space to think, be challenged, and process all of this. I’d recommend the experience to leaders who are feeling stuck or lonely and want to grow.

Steve Rowbotham

On another level

Rivendell is on another level compared with my local YPO group!

Rivendell Participant

The community is curated by Richard Medcalf

Richard Medcalf

Richard Medcalf describes himself as "what you get if you were to put a McKinsey consultant, a slightly unorthodox pastor and Freddie Mercury into a blender!"

Richard is the founder of Xquadrant and a trusted advisor to some of the most successful CEOs and entrepreneurs on the planet.

Richard has advised the C-Suite for 25 years. After a Masters Degree at Oxford University, where he came top in his year, he became the youngest-ever Partner at a top strategy consultancy. He spent 11 years at tech giant Cisco in an elite team to pioneer strategic projects directly for the CEO.

Richard founded Xquadrant to help the world’s top CEOs and entrepreneurs become world-changing forces for good, creating a legacy of exponential impact.

His 1:1 clients include CEOs of billion dollar companies, an Entrepreneur of the Year, an Olympic medallist, and founders of tech 'unicorns'. Richard also runs the CEO programme Rivendell and is the author of Making Time For Strategy.

Richard is bi-national English/French, lives near Paris, and is happily married and the proud father of two. He's a licensed lay minister in the Anglican Church, and has an insatiable love for spicy food and the electric guitar.

Your next step

If you’re looking for something entirely ‘cookie cutter’, this isn’t for you. There are many other CEO groups you could join instead. However, if you’re ready to create something special in your life and leadership, then here’s the next step...

Interested in finding out more?

Download the 2024 Rivendell prospectus to get all details, and we’ll add you to the waiting list so you’ll be notified when applications open.
