Impact Multipliers

A private invite from Richard Medcalf

This month I’m helping 3 smart, successful entrepreneurs and CEOs set their business on a 10X trajectory, so they can multiply their positive impact in the world (without the grind).

Over the next 12 months, we'll

  • Clarify your 10X vision for you & your business
  • Free up your time and energy so you can drive it forward; and
  • Mobilise your leaders to get you confidently on track to that 10X goal
  • Do all this with fun and ease!

To do this, we work on three key Impact Multipliers:

10X vision & roadmap

First we get clear on the ultimate impact you want to make, and create a 10X vision for your business that lights you up. We then help you build your personalised roadmap to get there with fun and ease.

10X strategic focus

Second, we put in place systems to get you out of the weeds and level-up your focus, so you can work on the big moves. We’ll help you cut through the complexity to find the levers that truly merit your attention.

You'll free up the most draining 20% of your time, so you can sharpen your thinking and progress your strategic agenda instead.

10X team & influence

Third, we help you lead the change and get your team and your board to where they need to be to deliver on your breakthrough goal. Committed. Cohesive. An execution machine AND driving the strategic agenda.

We dial this in until your team is operating on a new trajectory, you’re tracking to your 10X goal, and you’re able to step out of the day-to-day and fully operate in your personal zone of genius. 

Then we have a conversation on what you want to do next.




I didn't offer this in the past.

But this month, you will get crystal clear on a 1-1 call with me on three things:

  • Your 10X vision – and why it matters to you.
  • Your leadership roadmap for delivering your vision.
  • Your immediate next steps.

I want you to transform your business, and change the world, with fun and ease..

But I also want you to have clarity and a clear action plan today.

This is week 1.



Once you have personal strategic clarity around what you want to achieve and why – we’ll implement the Impact Multiplier system so you’re laser focused on your 10X vision, and your team is stepping up to deliver it.

We’ve structured this so you can get quick and timely support, when you need it, without spending time on any ’tick box’ activities:

  • Get solutions to whatever you’re struggling with. You can post questions at any time in the group and get coached on the weekly calls and workshops.
  • Access Xquadrant’s world-class content library with all my workshops and tools. As well as free access to any future workshops.
  • The weekly calls are optional, and are split up among timezones so that you can get help no matter where you are. The only needed call is the initial one with Richard to get clear on your 10X vision and roadmap.

You’ll have a community to brainstorm with, celebrate wins with and rely on when you feel stuck.

Depending on your situation, Phase 2 could last a few months to a year as we shift your business trajectory from incremental to exponential.



At this point you’ll be on track to your 10X goal, way more control of your time and with a cohesive, committed and effective team. And you’ll have a choice:

  • Multiply your impact again to reach the next level.
  • Or take a step back and enjoy the freedom you’ve built.

Both are fine. I want to help you so that you won't need me anymore.


It’s easy to get started in Impact Multipliers because we’re shooting for 10X here, and just a tiny uptick in your business performance will make your investment irrelevant.

My private 1:1 clients pay 20-80,000€ or more per quarter, upfront, to work with me. However, for Impact Multipliers I wanted to create something accessible to many more people.

Impact Multipliers is a simple weekly subscription. It's 250€ now, then 250€ every week.

Love it or leave it

You have no commitments. You can leave whenever and make no further payments.

The price will go up over time, but you’ll lock in the current rate for as long as you wish to stay.

If you leave you can't rejoin for a year.

Guarantees and promises

No guarantees, big promises or refunds. You need to show up 100%, and I will too.

And magic will happen!

In a nutshell



We get clear on your 10X vision for your life and business, your leadership leverage points and plan. You get a straightforward path to move you to your most compelling goals.



We go to battle together. You’ll get me, our resource library, and the Impact Multipliers community on your side to maximise your chances of success.



You deliver that 10X result. Then you can choose to enjoy the freedom you’ve created – or multiply once more to see how far you can go.

How to join Impact Multipliers

(We will only open 3 spots this month. First come, First served).

STEP 1: Email “I’m in”.

STEP 2: I’ll get you enrolled.

STEP 3: I’ll welcome you to Impact Multipliers today.

What other CEOs say about our programmes

Thought provoking and challenging

Richard pushed us beyond the here and now to a more far-reaching future. The workshop was thought provoking and challenging, and I really benefitted from the diverse experiences of the other CEOs.

Andy Morris


Helped me be a better leader

Richard demonstrated the value of being able to think without constraints and how that takes a personal and company vision to a whole new level. An excellent exercise in the value of what I need to BE in order to become the best leader I can.

Hugo Fry


Quickly adds value

Richard is a true trusted advisor who quickly adds value at a personal and team level. It's another league compared with programmes I've experienced before.

Mikael Sandberg

Founder & Chairman

Strategic challenge

I don't think I'd get anything like the same level of pushback or challenge elsewhere. I'd recommend Richard to anyone who wants to focus on the bigger issues.

Robert Bailkoski

Group CEO, Logicalis

Create lasting change

Very strong business acumen - we quickly zoom in on the key issues. And there's a real focus on creating real, lasting change.

Pierre-François Thaler

Co-CEO, Ecovadis

An unbelievable gathering

Thanks to the methodology and Richard's creativity, I've gone deep on myself and my business, and our team has really come together. Recommended for any CEO who wants to become a better leader.

Armand Arton

Founder & CEO

Meet your host

Richard Medcalf

Richard Medcalf describes himself as "what you get if you were to put a McKinsey consultant, a slightly unorthodox pastor and Freddie Mercury into a blender!"

He’s on a mission to help top business leaders become forces for good at scale, and is a trusted advisor to some of the most successful CEOs and entrepreneurs on the planet. His clients include CEOs of billion-dollar firms, an Entrepreneur of the Year, an Olympic medallist, and founders of tech 'unicorns'.

He’s the host of The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast and author of Making Time For Strategy, and has an insatiable love for spicy food and the electric guitar.

Learn more about Richard...
