Your Exponential Future

Join the exclusive waiting list for a transformative retreat that's all about crafting a legacy worth leaving

I am willing to take as much time as needed between projects to find my next thing. But I always want it to be a project that, if successful, will make the rest of my career look like a footnote.

~ Sam Altman, CEO, OpenAI

At the pinnacle of your career, do you find yourself at a crossroads, asking ‘what’s next?'

Are you an entrepreneur or senior business leader who's been extraordinarily successful, but you don’t want your best days to be behind you?

Imagine a future that’s wildly exciting and deeply significant, and that doesn’t require the grind or the sacrifice to your health or relationships that you might have experienced in the past.

We’re convening a small handful of smart and highly successful leaders for a powerful “Exponential Future” retreat to craft exactly that! You will

  • Forge a 25-year vision that excites and drives you.
  • Uncover and embrace your true potential, beyond the confines of your past roles.
  • Connect with like-minded leaders on a similar quest for impact and fulfilment.
  • Create a balanced approach to success that prioritizes health, family, and joy.

This is where your wisdom, experience, and passion converge to chart a course for a life where success is measured not just in figures, but in enriched experiences, legacy, and balance.

Are you ready to turn the page and script your greatest and most enjoyable chapter yet?

We’ll explore 4 pivotal themes



Vision Crafting for the Next 25 Years

Dive deep into creating a long-term vision that aligns with your deepest values and aspirations.



Shedding Past Limitations

Break free from the labels of yesteryears and embrace the empowering possibilities of tomorrow.



Embracing Unconventional Paths

Discover the thrill of pursuing paths less travelled, leading to unparalleled satisfaction and impact.



Building Your Legacy

Strategise on leaving a meaningful imprint that transcends your professional achievements.

What to expect

  • Exclusive focus on top-tier entrepreneurs and leaders, for a highly relevant, impactful experience
  • A life-changing retreat over 72 hours (Thursday afternoon to Sunday lunchtime)
  • A serene and inspiring location, to be disclosed to waiting list members
  • Deep coaching from Xquadrant’s Founder, Richard Medcalf, to sharpen your thinking
  • An intimate experience – no more than six attendees, for deep connection with inspiring peers 
  • A sustained journey including a preparatory online workshop, and a post-retreat debrief

What other leaders say about our programmes

Produces exponential impact

I've a much clearer picture on my strategy, my goals, and my own inner game. I'd recommend Xquadrant to senior execs who want to make 10X impact.

David Engel

CEO, Drake & Farrell

Strategic challenge

I don't think I'd get anything like the same level of pushback or challenge elsewhere. I'd recommend Richard to anyone who wants to focus on the bigger issues.

Robert Bailkoski

Group CEO, Logicalis

See through the noise & distortion

Richard has the great ability to see through the noise and distortion around a problem and pick out the signal that's hiding underneath. He zeros in very quickly on the heart of an issue and points out what levers can be moved to change things.

James Atack


Another dimension to what I've experienced

What I've experienced [in Rivendell] is probably another dimension to what I've experienced before [in other programmes]. The Rivendell retreat has been the most exciting two days of my life, and I feel absolutely invigorated and energised.

Mikael S.


Intermingling of professional and personal development

It's been a really fulfilling experience. The intermingling of strategic thinking, professional development and personal growth is extremely powerful.

Kelly Manthey


Thought provoking and challenging

Richard pushed us beyond the here and now to a more far-reaching future. The workshop was thought provoking and challenging, and I really benefitted from the diverse experiences of the other CEOs.

Andy Morris


Meet your host

Richard Medcalf

Richard Medcalf describes himself as "what you get if you were to put a McKinsey consultant, a slightly unorthodox pastor and Freddie Mercury into a blender!"

He’s on a mission to help top business leaders become forces for good at scale, and is a trusted advisor to some of the most successful CEOs and entrepreneurs on the planet. His clients include CEOs of billion-dollar firms, an Entrepreneur of the Year, an Olympic medallist, and founders of tech 'unicorns'.

He’s the host of The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast and author of Making Time For Strategy, and has an insatiable love for spicy food and the electric guitar.

Learn more about Richard...

There are 6 places available – are you interested?

We are still finalising dates and location for the Your Exponential Future retreat, but are aiming for the spring of 2024, with the retreat most likely held in France.

If you’re keen to explore more, then join the waiting list today to take the first step towards your exponential future.
