Discover your Making TIME For Strategy score!

Find what's holding you back from greater impact

  • Measure how strategically you are using your time.
  • Benchmark yourself against other top leaders.
  •  Quick & easy to complete - just 20 simple questions.

Priyanka Bamford

I’m now able to focus on planning and strategic activities without any interruptions. I’ve reevaluated my calendar meetings and declined many where I am not adding any value or where I feel no value is being added. Absolutely recommended!

Alison Bartalino


I have successfully delegated a lot of my work to create the time to do higher level strategic work. I have a clearer vision of what I need to do to stay on track to continue making positive progress.

Katie Owen

I'm really enjoying this course! It's helping me step back, and think about what are my high value activities, which I wish I had spent more time on earlier this year. More importantly, the short-form content learning is helping me build out a plan as to how to implement these changes in the next quarter, and is incredibly engaging.

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