Discover your Making TIME For Strategy score!

Find what's holding you back from greater impact

  • Measure how strategically you are using your time.
  • Benchmark yourself against other top leaders.
  •  Quick & easy to complete - just 20 simple questions.

Eleanor White

I didn't realise how easily and quickly I could accelerate the growth rate of my impact. The many short activities were always fun and sometimes revelatory. I learned an approach on the course that I'll take with me for the rest of my life.

Paul Wilcox

Thanks to the course, delegation is going well - to the point I am wondering what to do myself!

Beckinam Nowatzke

Beforehand I was in the loop on EVERYTHING: very hands-on and involved. Now, I’m providing true leadership to my team… and I have seen them flourish. I really have found time in my schedule for 'thinking' and realised that I am not missed at those meetings I no longer attend.

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