10X Dilemma
How to break out of your comfort zone and commit to the ‘impossible’ 10X goal that sets you on fire without sacrificing your health and relationships, even if your investors and your team are not (yet) on board.
First, we’ll you through the 10X Mindset checklist and identify which of the five high-achiever traps are keeping you playing small, and ruining the chance to fulfil your true potential
Then, we’ll shift your perspective and open up new possibilities for your future impact – with a key reframe to overcome your limiting beliefs
Finally, you’ll develop one or more of the five ‘10X assets’, customised for your unique situation, that will help you to operate at your next level, even when you run into doubt and uncertainty
We’ll also look at how you can balance short-term responsibilities with long-term impact.
You’ll walk away with more confidence and clarity, a new mindset and a new sense of possibility and momentum that will take you towards your 10X future