Subscribe to The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast Watch onYouTube Listen onApple Podcasts Listen onSpotify Listen onOther Apps As a CEO or senior leader, are your people truly following you, or are they merely doing what you tell them? Do they go the extra mile, or are they just doing their job? In my experience coaching …
Subscribe to The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast Watch onYouTube Listen onApple Podcasts Listen onSpotify Listen onOther Apps Do you want to create a legacy that’s 10 or 100 times greater than your current accomplishments, but something’s holding you back? Today, I’m going to talk about how you can take the first step towards committing to a …
Subscribe to The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast Watch onYouTube Listen onApple Podcasts Listen onSpotify Listen onOther Apps Have you ever felt like your best days are behind you? Or wondered what’s next in your career? Perhaps you feel stuck or as if your trajectory has plateaued. If any of this sounds familiar, then this article’s for …
Have you ever thought “I can’t do many more years of this?” A very successful CEO confessed exactly this to me recently. Running a complex, fast-growing business was taking its toll. He felt stressed, pressured and isolated. His family relationships were suffering. Although he was charismatic for his team, inside he was miserable. I see this lack of …
We’ve all heard the age-old advice that you should invest in yourself, but do we? From time to time I find someone who’s not achieving their potential because they’re waiting for their company to foot the bill for their personal or professional development, or they’re simply held back by fear. If this is you, I want …
Received wisdom states that to proceed in life and business, we need to set objectives and work towards them. This prevalent mindset starts from our earliest days, where we are encouraged to set ourselves objectives in school, such as achieving A grades, and set to work pursuing them. It’s the same in business, where goal setting is …
“I want to continue to make an impact. But I don’t want the next phase of my life to take a toll on my health more than the last phase did. And I want to actually have time with my family…” I was speaking with Sam. A former CEO, he was at a turning point …
You’re already an accomplished executive. What’s next for you? In the first article in this mini-series, we looked at the three leadership games and saw how each game is an order-of-magnitude more impactful than the previous:And in the previous article, we acknowledged that people find it hard to shift leadership games, because it requires a very different …
Most people have no idea how to 10X their impact because they’re already doing the best they feel they can. They can’t work significantly harder — there aren’t enough hours in the day — and they don’t have the option to dramatically increase budget or headcount. In a previous article, I suggested a different approach. To 10X …
“I’m nailing this role – I don’t have anything I really need to work on.”A client said this to me recently. Now, I love hearing clients say this, because it means we get to really hit the accelerator and open up new possibilities. And as I expected, when we dug in, it turned out she was …
How can you make the next twelve months truly extraordinary? I find that a fascinating question, because it takes us out of the sphere of New Year resolutions and incremental goal-setting and gets us thinking expansively and boldly. Regular readers will know that I’m a big proponent of exponential leadership – the idea of multiplying your impact instead of “adding” a …
To understand how top leaders accomplish seemingly ‘impossible’ things with their businesses, carefully read this thread that I found on Reddit: Question: How can martial arts people punch through wooden and concrete blocks? Answer: I’ve been doing martial arts for over a decade, and I’ve got my share of experience punching and kicking through wooden boards and the …
You’re a high achiever. Perhaps you’re a business owner, a CEO or C-Suite leader, a rising star. Your “default future” is probably good — great, even. But if we start to dream and imagine a “preferred future” that’s even more impactful, your eyes will start to gleam and a new world of possibility will open up.I’ve …
I’m releasing a new email series called “Reinventing Your Success Formula”. We’ll look at how we can reinvent the very things that made us successful in order to unlock our next level of impact. This material isn’t available elsewhere. If you want to follow along, click here: REGISTER FOR THE EMAIL SERIES What will it take …
“As a co-Founder and Chief Executive, I’ve experienced many shifts since my executive team and I started working on this.”“This process has helped me become more self aware, more ambitious in my strategic goals, and more planned and purposeful.” – CHRO“I’d definitely recommend the Xquadrant approach to anyone who wants to focus on bigger, more …
Any successful person will eventually come to the realisation that the thing that’s stopping them from achieving greater results is … themselves. We can (and should!) talk about mindset, skillset, drive, emotional intelligence, and so on. But ultimately what it’s going to come down to are the observable habits and behaviours that result from all of that. In other …
“You’d better be damn sure when you wake up that you’re doing what you want to be doing as opposed to what you feel you ought to be doing or what somebody else thinks you ought to be doing.” What’s your next big leap forward for your career or business? Perhaps you’re highly motivated by your current …
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