A client said to me last week, “That was like open heart surgery on my business. Exactly what I needed. Clear and actionable insight” You see, we’d dived into the numbers. Gone beyond the top level. And looked into the actual structure of his business. It turned out that PART of his business was wildly

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Perhaps I shouldn’t say this out loud! I’m a fan of doing things the easy way. Best result for least effort! You can call it “systems theory” but I call it “strategic laziness!” This means you need to remove obstacles. When you find and remove the limiting factor, results improve effortlessly. So what’s the limiting

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If you don’t have enough resources to accomplish your 10X goals, here are three surprising places where you’ll find them: 1 – In your future Your “future self” has the resources you need. Your future business has plenty of resources. Are you committed enough to bet on that? A while back, I invested six figures

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I got this message from a CEO who recently signed up to my newsletter… It raises a fascinating point: Even CEOs can lack the inner confidence to really challenge the norms and make a difference. In fact, I’d say most CEOs are content to play within the system they’ve been given, instead of taking the

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Conventional strategies often fall short of catalysing true breakthroughs. That’s why discerning leaders turn to the unconventional, seeking out the strategies that truly propel success to new heights. So as part of my ongoing commitment to surround myself and my clients with world-class thinking, I reached out to some of the world’s top thought leaders

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Subscribe to The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast Watch on YouTube Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Listen on Other Apps As a CEO or senior leader, are your people truly following you, or are they merely doing what you tell them? Do they go the extra mile, or are they just doing their job?

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Subscribe to The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast Watch on YouTube Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Listen on Other Apps As successful CEOs and entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves wondering how we can become more impactful leaders. We’ve achieved significant success, but we know there’s more potential to unlock. Today I’m going to explore

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Subscribe to The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast Watch on YouTube Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Listen on Other Apps Do you know the secret to making breakthrough progress? All around us, we see people making incremental gains, but is there something specific we need to be focusing on if we want 10X results?

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Subscribe to The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast Watch on YouTube Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Listen on Other Apps Do you want to create a legacy that’s 10 or 100 times greater than your current accomplishments, but something’s holding you back?   Today, I’m going to talk about how you can take the

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Subscribe to The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast Watch on YouTube Listen on Apple Podcasts Listen on Spotify Listen on Other Apps Have you ever felt like your best days are behind you? Or wondered what’s next in your career? Perhaps you feel stuck or as if your trajectory has plateaued.    If any of this

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Have you ever thought “I can’t do many more years of this?”   A very successful CEO confessed exactly this to me recently. Running a complex, fast-growing business was taking its toll. He felt stressed, pressured and isolated. His family relationships were suffering. Although he was charismatic for his team, inside he was miserable.   I

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“I just want you to know those two days changed my life. And my business.” I received several messages like this from CEOs recently. In this article I’d like to share their “aha moments” and how you can apply those insights into your own leadership.   First, some context: A few weeks back, I ran

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If you want exponential progress, there’s one big shift that you need to make.   Almost every entrepreneur and CEO I speak to gets it and admits it’d be a game-changer, but they’ve still not done it. It’s simple:   If you want breakthrough results, you have to do fewer things, better.   In this

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If you’re like 99% of leaders you’ll end up comfortable but secretly unfulfilled.   In this article I’ll explain the very first step to getting off that trajectory and truly fulfilling your potential.   In my work with hundreds of entrepreneurs and CEOs, I’ve seen many leaders decided to settle for their comfortable life. They’re

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Let’s talk Subscribe Offering About About Xquadrant About Richard Learn Articles & Insights Podcast Free Resources Speaking Book Your executive team is good – but how can it be exceptional?   Your senior leaders are a huge multiplier on your own impact, and yet even experienced CEOs wonder how they can drive better cohesion, more ownership,

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Dubai, UAE Friday December 8, 2023 Are you ready to leap beyond your greatest achievements? Have you done incredible things but secretly fear your best days are behind you? Do you wonder if you’re in a gilded cage of your own making? Has the joy gone – despite everyone seeing you as a success? Do you experience frustration that your

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Every leader knows that so much more would be possible if they could just get their key leaders to step up to another level.   After all, leadership isn’t just about guiding the ship; it’s about empowering your crew to navigate through uncharted waters. That’s where real magic happens – when your top leaders evolve,

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When faced with the decision to pursue personal growth and development, as a CEO, you wield immense influence over the experiences and prospects of your employees. This piece delves into the profound effects – both beneficial and detrimental – of the choice to engage in coaching.   “It’s been a challenging year, and the forecast

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Let me outline my master plan for helping already extraordinary leaders with their “moonshots”.   As you may know, I’m on a mission to help the world’s leading CEOs and entrepreneurs multiply their impact and legacy way beyond what they believe is possible. This is about taking your success to a level that might seem

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We’ve all heard the age-old advice that you should invest in yourself, but do we?   From time to time I find someone who’s not achieving their potential because they’re waiting for their company to foot the bill for their personal or professional development, or they’re simply held back by fear. If this is you,

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