What's so important that you have to 100X it?

CEOs, entrepreneurs: multiply your impact with 1:1 support from our founder, Richard Medcalf

Exponential leadership coaching for world-changing mavericks

At Xquadrant we specialise in one thing: empowering extraordinary leaders to build the transformative businesses they are destined to create.

Whether you’re scaling a hundred-million-euro enterprise or just starting to impact your industry, our programmes are designed to escalate your success at every level of your journey.

Our Integrated Offering

Each level builds on the previous ones. Start where you feel comfortable, and as your needs evolve, seamlessly transition to higher levels of intensity and personalisation.

Impact Multiplier Labs: Focused Workshops

Actionable insights and strategies tailored to making immediate improvements in your business. Engage with our vibrant community, learn and implement powerful frameworks to multiply your impact, and get immediate coaching and feedback.

For ambitious leaders seeking transformational growth.

Impact Multipliers: Core Coaching & Community

Impact Multipliers is an incubator for exponential strategic thinking and leadership magnetism that will catapult your business results. You’ll get the tools and support to clarify your exponential vision, operate more strategically, and get your team performing like never before

For CEOs and founders committed to scaling their business and their leadership effectiveness.

Rivendell: Premier Coaching Mastermind

A transformative mastermind with deep coaching from Richard alongside inspiring peers who are leaders in their respective fields. You’ll be supported at a deep level and stretched to your next level of greatness.

For elite leaders of $20-200M+ businesses, seeking to leave a lasting legacy and lead with groundbreaking impact.

Valinor: Elite Private Coaching

Direct and private support from Richard, tailored specifically to your unique challenges and goals. Personalised one-on-one coaching with optional strategic team sessions.

Choose the Ilmarin strand for the ultimate transformation, with monthly in-person all-day sessions with Richard to rapidly progress on your most pivotal issues and opportunities.

For visionary leaders building $100M-$1B+ businesses.

Our Integrated Offering

Each level builds on the previous ones. Start where you feel comfortable, and as your needs evolve, seamlessly transition to higher levels of intensity and personalisation.

Impact Multipliers



Valinor - Ilmarin

Impact Multiplier Labs

Weekly Group Coaching

Monthly Mastermind




1:1s with Richard


Team coaching


1:1 days with Richard (per year)






12 months

1 quarter

1 year


per week

per month

per quarter

per year

Annual Pay In Full Bonus

Save 3K€
(Pay 10K€)

Save 5K€
(Pay 25K€)

Bonus 13th month


Client appreciation

Richard Medcalf

Richard Medcalf describes himself as "what you get if you were to put a McKinsey consultant, a slightly unorthodox pastor and Freddie Mercury into a blender!"

He’s on a mission to help top business leaders become forces for good at scale, and is a trusted advisor to some of the most successful CEOs and entrepreneurs on the planet. His clients include CEOs of billion-dollar firms, an Entrepreneur of the Year, an Olympic medallist, and founders of tech 'unicorns'.

He’s the host of The Impact Multiplier CEO Podcast and author of Making Time For Strategy, and has an insatiable love for spicy food and the electric guitar.
